Success, Happiness, and Achieving Your Goals:
A Better Life for You
and for Others!
Coaching Analysis in the HealAdvisor Analyse App
Coaching is Help for Self-Help!
The solutions to your questions, problems, and tasks in
life are mostly within yourself. Often you just need a little
support and help to recognize these solutions and infor-
mation, to bring them to light, and to use them.
Clarity, New Perspectives, and Catalysts for
Your Life
Coaching can eff ectively help you to get things moving
reality – aspects of your personality of which you are not
aware but that continually block you. It’s only when you
see clearly that you can make decisions and initiate much
needed changes.
That is exactly what the new coaching modules in the
HealAdvisor Analyse App are for. They are specifi cally
designed to support you in your development and in over-
coming many challenges in your life.
How It Works
Healy technology is based on the
research on the Information Field
by the German researcher Marcus
Schmieke, drawing on the fi ndings
of such scientists as David Bohm
and Anton Zeilinger: All our mental
and emotional issues are stored
in a global Information Field from
which they can be retrieved. Your
Healy uses the principle of quan-
tum entanglement to communi-
cate with the Information Field and
identify the issues that are important to you at any given
time – with the goal of harmonizing them.
Before the analysis in the Information Field, you determine
your desired goal and formulate a positive focus from it.
Healy then uses this as a basis to fi nd information patterns
and show you the issues on which your thoughts, desires,
and hopes are focusing, in order to harmonize them.
Marcus Schmieke
V. 1.0 | 2022-01-28
Notice: Science does not recognize the
existence of Information Fields and their re-
levance due to lack of scientifi c evidence. The
terms used in the databases and modules are
intended to exert a positive mental infl uence
comparable to affi rmations, positive thinking,
or auto-suggestion, are designed to help
users and clients visualize their clear personal
goals, and are to be understood as a referen-
ce book similar to an encyclopedia. They do
not constitute statements concerning eff ects.
As with any business, your results as a Healy
Member may vary and will be based on your
individual eff orts, business experience, and
expertise. There are no guarantees regar-
ding the success you can achieve as a Healy
While Healy World endeavors to keep the
information contained in these pages current,
no warranty or guarantee concerning the ac-
curacy, suitability or timeliness of information
is made. Healy World is not responsible for
any loss or damage resulting from the use of
the information provided on these pages. All
information is presented on an “as is” basis
and responsibility for its interpretation and
use lies solely with the user.
*This Module is designed to support positive
approaches to daily life situations through
self-understanding. The terms used in the
databases and modules are intended to exert
a positive mental infl uence comparable to af-
rmations, positive thinking, or auto-sugges-
tion, are designed to help users and clients
visualize their clear personal goals, and are to
be understood as a reference book similar to
an encyclopedia. They do not constitute state-
ments concerning eff ects.
Help others improve their wellbeing and
seize your opportunity to be successful.
Healy World Co. | |
8529 Southpark Circle | Suite 100 | Orlando, FL 32819-9029 | USA
part of the
Even the best technology can only be used optimally if it is combined with up-to-date know-how. The Healy Academy off ers a
comprehensive training program with background information, scientifi c correlations, practical tips, and application examples:
The Success Coach Module
The Success Coach module goes one step further: It
contains the areas of the Personal Coach and covers
application areas that are particularly relevant to work
life. It gives you the tools to practice holistic coaching
with others.
Optimally align personal potential and professional
success. Also suitable for professional coaching:
Family relationships
Personal relationships
Emotional balance
Social relationships
The Personal Coach Module
Use the Personal Coach module to quickly and easily
coach yourself – of course, you can also use it to
help other people improve their lives according to
their wants and needs.
Analyze your inner processes and relationships with
other people. Extend your personal development in
the areas of:
Family relationships
Personal relationships
Emotional balance
Social relationships